
9 April 2011

Red pepper sauce over pasta

I would like to introduce you to a new member of the kitchen family here:

It's only a mini food processor but boy, does it do a great job! I have made two batches of humus (which my Greek husband didn't know you could make yourself) and am dreaming of homemade pesto later this summer. That would imply I need to plant lots of basil and tame the wild garden where the fox currently lives...

In the meantime, I tried a new recipe from the Pioneer Woman to make a red pepper sauce to serve over pasta. You should go to her site (if you don't already read it) and check this recipe out for a pretty quick and scrumptious meal. You roast the red peppers and process them with some garlic and olive oil into a thick paste. Then you throw this in with some sauteed onions and cream, and I added a bit of parmesan as well to give the sauce more depth as I didn't add the pine nuts into the paste.

This was amazing with a side of garlic toast and a much more subtle taste than a traditional red sauce.

I can foresee lots more fun dishes using the food processor!

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